Magento 2 - Codice Fiscale - Privato/Azienda - con fatturazione elettronica (SDI/PEC)

96,38 € 79,00 €

Il modulo introduce il campo codice fiscale e i campi fiscali per la fatturazione elettronica (SDI/PEC) in varie pagine del sito e nel pannello di amministrazione.

L'obbligatorietà e la validazione dei campi, la possibilità di richiedere fattura da privati it/extra-it, la forzatura della richiesta dei dati di fatturazione, e molti altri comportamenti, sono gestibili tramite settaggio.

Compatibilità: Magento CE 2.2 - 2.3.*


Descrizione Estensione

L'estensione Codice Fiscale introduce nuovi attributi per gli indirizzi dei clienti sia sul sito che nel pannello di amministrazione.

I nuovi campi compaiono nei vari moduli del sito tra cui indirizzo di spedizione, indirizzo di fatturazione, rubrica indirizzi. Un attributo (Privato/Azienda) serve a chiedere al cliente se l'acquisto viene fatto come "privato" oppure come "azienda". Se nell'indirizzo il paese scelto è l'Italia e il cliente ha scelto "privato", compare il campo Codice Fiscale. I dati raccolti compariranno nel pannello di amministrazione: nell'indirizzo del cliente (se l'utente si è registrato) o nell'ordine (se l'utente ha acquistato come ospite).

L'obbligatorietà durante la compilazione dei principali campi, è gestita dai sattaggi del modulo, che sono distinti tra clienti italiani e clienti extra-it. Stesso discorso vale per le validazioni dei campi, appositamente realizzati per i campi 'Codice Fiscale', 'Partita Iva" e 'SDI'.

Questa estensione è stata testata su tema Luma. Se si utilizzano altri temi o moduli che vadano ad interferire con le aree interessate dal modulo, questo potrebbe non funzionare correttamente.

Su richiesta possiamo fornire i connettori realizzati da noi per le estensioni:

  • * Tema: Porto
  • * GoMage_LightCheckout (versione Composer 1.0.0)
  • * Fattura24_AppFatturazione (versione Composer 2.3.0)

** I connettori sono riferiti a specifiche versioni dei moduli indicati, ma possono essere utili come punto di partenza per sviluppi dedicati a più recenti versioni.

Prima di acquistare si prega di leggere la sezione bug conosciuti nella scheda maggiori informazioni.


This module provides custom Tax Code attribute for Address forms including Shipping Address, Billing Address and Customer Addresses.

Maggiori Informazioni
Problemi conosciuti # Bug conosciuti

* Non ancora complete tutte le validazioni lato server.
* Alcune traduzioni in italiano mancanti in pannello di controllo.


# Change log

### 2.2.2 - 2020/11/06
* New feature: implemented detailed log.
* Implementation: optimized function to merge TaxCode data after Creating Customer in CheckoutSuccess of Guest order.
* Code refactoring and new comments.

### 2.2.1 - 2020/11/05
* Optimization: optimized saving TaxCode data from OrderAddress to CustomerAddress.
* BugFix: Address render in checkout process no longer get js error if some data are missing. Loaded TaxCode data in Shipping and Billing adrress during checkout only if all conditions matches correcly.

### 2.2.0 - 2020/10/20
* New setting: you can now select the default customer type to apply in adrresses "Is Business?" field.

### 2.1.10 - 2020/07/28
* BugFix: Fixed bug in insert new billing address in order: now it save correctly TaxCode fields values in customer address
* BugFix: Fixed bug in shipping/billing address when customer is not italian and dob & cob are not setted by default.
* BugFix: Fixed case of create customer after order complete, with different address for billing/shipping.
* Tested Magento 2.3.4 and Magento 2.3.5 compatibility.

### 2.1.4 - 2020/03/12
* Fixed error registering new customer.
* Fix logic to custom validate: tax-code and tax-vat.
* Fix setting visibility of fix_sdi_validation_length, only if electronic_invoice_fields_required is true.

### 2.1.3 - 2020/03/11
* New Feature: add all Tax Code Fields values to customer address, creating customer account after completed order as guest.

### 2.1.2 - 2020/03/07
* Fixed un-translated error message in validator.
* Minor BugFix in tax-code-fields-updater.

### 2.1.1 - 2020/03/07
* Introduced global mage and ui validator for Italian Person TaxCode format.
* Introduced global mage and ui validator for Italian Company TaxCode format.
* Introduced global mage and ui validator for Italian TaxVat format.
* Fixed some italian translations.
* Minor code refactoring for js mixins.

### 2.1.0 - 2020/03/06
* Introduced new setting to allow or disable Private Invoice choise for italian customers.
* Introduced new setting to set required italian business fields relative to Electronic Invoice Fields (SDI / PEC).
* Introduced new setting to set validation for Electronic Invoice Fields (SDI / PEC).
* Introduced new setting to set fix length validation for SDI.
* Introduced new setting to set validation for TaxCode and VatCode for Italy.
* No longer persist wrong behavior in Customer Address Edit form, when is setted to false "request invoice for Extra IT private customers", and customer select a country different from Italy. Now force isBusiness to Company and allow to require invoice.

* Removed compatibility with Magento 2.0.* and 2.1.*.

### 2.0.2 - 2020/02/24
* Hide Taxvat field in Customer Address Edit, if injected from Magento2 settings, to not override value of vat_id used by this module.

### 2.0.1 - 2020/02/23
* Activated some new requirement settings in UI components and Js logic.
* Added some new settings values, and some comment note in module settings page.
* Hide all TaxCode fields if module is installed in system but disabled from his backend settings.
* Added module version in settings.

### 1.3.13 - 2020/02/23
* Feature: Completed TaxCode fields login in checkout billing address form.
* Feature: Added Test Folder with elementary UnitTest
* Code Refactoring: fixed all php-cs-fixer exceptions

### 1.3.12 - 2020/02/20
* Minor BugFix for retro-compatibility (< Magento 2.3.4)

### 1.3.11 - 2020/02/20
* New feature: now the logic of the TaxCode fields is added in Customer/Address/Index form (as in Checkout / Shipping Address).

### 1.3.10 - 2019/12/09

* BugFix: Fixed error in checkout page when a logged customer select an existing Business address.
* Basic code refactoring.

### 1.3.8 - 2019/07/07
* New Feature: allow/disallow request invoice for customers extra Italy.
* BugFix: reusing saved addresses no longer get bug with extensionAttributes value format.

### 1.3.4 - 2019/03/26

* BugFix: removed custom attributes value from printed address detail in checkout process.
* BugFix: revoder 'required' for attributes electronic-invoice-fields, becose some type of companies are exempt to electronic invoice.

### 1.3.2 - 2019/01/17

* Changed fields positions in Shipping Address form

### 1.3.1 - 2019/01/17

* BugFix: change field sdi/pec changing relative selector.
* Updated config.xml for adding sdi/pec fields in address.
* Comleted italian translations for new sdi/pec fields

### 1.3.0 - 2018/12/21

* Implemented new functionality for Electronic Invoice Italian low.
* BugFix: passing null as parameter in function convertInvoiceValueToLabel() now return negative response.

### 1.2.8 - 2018/03/10

* Implemented custom attribute Invoice in Customer Address
* BugFix: request of invoice attribute in saved Address CustomAttributes.
* BugFix: check why sometime this.source.shippingAddress is undefined and break JS

### 1.2.6 - 2018/01/04

* Removed php version dependencies

### 1.2.5 - 2018/01/04

* BugFix: solved validation VAT problem in login button click in checkout process.

### 1.2.4 - 2018/01/02

* Implemented translations for options values of custom attribute "is_business"
* Added dipendency of Magma_Common module

NB: **It must re-compilign static assets** after this update, to regenerate translations.js

### 1.2.1 - 2017/12/05

* Enabled installation for Magento 2.2.*
* Minor upgrades

### 1.1.7 - 2017/08/29

* BugFix: required taxCode for extra-italy and business customers

### 1.1.6 - 2017/08/09

* Added js logic for billing address form in checkout process
* Add logics tax_code in customer_address_form (new address in customer reserved area in frontend)
* Implemented check if is italian customer
* BugFix: disabled validation TaxCode field in 'Continue' checkout button click

### 1.1.0 - 2017/07/31

* BugFix: saving tax_code in customer generation after checkout success process
* Bugfix: mantain class required of taxcode field
* Bugfix: error message added just one time
* BugFix: translations in js layout
* Sort order fixed to top in checkout/index/index
* BugFix: abstact id from select options

### 1.0.0 - 2017/07/06

* Added ability to save Tax Code attribute as part of a Customer Address from Magento Admin
* Added Tax Code into New Shipping Address form for guest customer on checkout
* Added Tax Code into New Billing Address form for guest customer on checkout
* Added Tax Code into Customer Account -> Address Edit page
* Added logic to process Tax Code into Customer Account -> Address Edit page
* Added Tax Code to Customer Account -> My Dashboard page
* Added Tax Code from Customer Account -> Address Book page
* Added Tax Code for Checkout New Shipping Address popup form
* Updated pdf, html, one-line and text address templates configuration with Tax Code
* Added Tax Code for logged in customer Shipping Address on Checkout Shipping Step
* Added Tax Code for logged in customer Billing Address on Checkout Payment Step
* Added Tax Code into New Shipping Address form for logged in customer on checkout
* Added Tax Code into New Billing Address form for logged in customer on checkout
* Added Copy Tax Code from Quote to Order
* Added Copy Tax Code from Order to Customer
* Added Show Tax Code on Admin Order View, Invoice, Ship, Credit Memo pages

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